Long retreat is a test of the Dzogchen proposition that genuine happiness is a process of subtraction.
On December 1 I will begin the first of a series of long meditation retreats at Miyo Samten Ling, the newly opened international headquarters of the Center for Contemplative Research in Crestone, Colorado.
I will go into my cabin, let the activities and identities that have accreted over a lifetime gradually become irrelevant, and use a rigorous, time-tested system of meditation to closely observe the habits of perception that underlie them all.
The Perfect Outer Conditions
Since June 2020, I have been working with other volunteers to transform this former Carmelite hermitage, exquisitely sited on 110 acres at the foot of the 14,000-foot peaks of the Sangre de Cristo range, into a home for long-term retreaters.
I will now be serving as a resident teacher for the first group of 11 dedicated meditators who will for months and years be working toward achieving Shamatha, a rare state of single-pointed attention essential for making progress toward the realizations and capacities demonstrated by centuries of legendary Buddhist adepts.
A Coalition of Empiricists
One of the unique elements of this long-term retreat at Miyo Samten Ling will be our collaboration with scientists conducting longitudinal studies of the mental and physical changes associated with progress in these practices. For a description of the potential impacts of this research for providing a renaissance in the mind sciences and to support a paradigm shift at the leading edge of physics, see the article I wrote for the local newspaper.
My plan for the foreseeable future is to spend most of the year in retreat while contributing a few months each year to help guide the development and expansion of Miyo Samten Ling. I will also travel to lead occasional retreats in places where I have established relationships. I also hope to do some writing while in retreat and will post blogs with my reflections on retreat here on this site.
How You Can Help
Many of you have asked how you can help support my retreat. We retreaters will be contributing to the operating expenses of Miyo Samten Ling and I am trying to raise $1500 in recurring donations to cover my contribution and expenses. If I am able to raise more than $1500 per month, I will donate the balance to support other retreaters here who don’t have the network of benefactors that I do. Your recurring donation of $25, $50, $100 or more will be an investment in my development, the rewards of which I hope to be able to share with you in future live retreats together.
You will be redirected to a secure PayPal site where you can use your credit or debit card to make a recurring donation.
Thank you.
Your encouraging thoughts and donation in any amount helps keep me on the path.